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Steering Committee

Decree No 22/12
of NIPH-NIH Director
from 2012-09-20
on the appointment of Steering Committee for „Prevention of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)” Programme
Based on Article 24, para. 1, point 6of Law on Research Institution from 30 April 2010 (JoL. No 96, item 618, with amendments) and based on § 8, para. 1, point 6 of Statute of National Institute of Hygiene – National Institute of Hygiene, hereinafter referred to as NIPH-NIH, decrees the following:
§ 1.
  1. Appointment of Steering Committee for „Prevention of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)” Programme, hereinafter referred to as “Committee”.
  2. Committee is a subsidiary body for Director of NIPH-NIH and is appointed for the period of implementation of the „Prevention of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)” Programme within Swiss-Polish Cooperation Program.
§ 2.
The Steering Committee is a task team that pronounces opinions and fulfils supervising functions on a strategic level of the Program and designed to develop directives for the document „National Strategy of HCV Prevention and Control for the years 2015-2020”.
§ 3.
1. The Committee consists of:
1) Andrzej Zieliński, MD, PhD  – Chairman of the Committee;
2) The representatives of Minister of Health:
a) Marzena Drewniacka – Ministry of Health;
b) Ratowska Anna – Ministry of Health;
c) Łukasz Pera – Ministry of Health;
3) The representatives of the NGO:
a) Elżbieta Puacz – NGOs: Polska Federacja Pacjentów „Dialtransplant”;
b) Mirosława Malara – NGOs: Polskie Stowarzyszenie Pielęgniarek Epidemiologicznych;
4) External experts:
a) Robert Flisiak, MD, PhD  – Medical University in Białymstok;
b) Waldemar Halota, MD, PhD  - Katedra i Klinika Chorób Zakaźnych Akademii Medycznej im. L. Rydygiera, Wojewódzki Szpital Obserwacyjno-Zakaźny im. Tadeusza Borowicza w Bydgoszczy
5) The representatives of the Executing Agency and partner institutions:
a) Magdalena Rosińska – Manager of Project 1;
b) Janusz Sierosławski – Manager of Project 2;
c) Kazimierz Madaliński, MD, PhD – Manager of Project 3;
d) Piotr Książek, MD, PhD – Manager of Project 4;
e) Anita Gębska-Kuczerowska – Manager of Project 5;
f) Rafał Patoła – Programme Manager;
g) Izabela Kucharska – Chief Sanitary Inspectorate.
2. The Minister of Health indicates members of Committee by name, referred to in paragraph 1, point. 2, on the NIPH-NIH Director’s request.
3. Members of the Committee referred to in paragraph 1 points 3 and 4 were selected through an open recruitment.
4. People, referred to in in para. 1 perform their functions personally.
5. In Steering Committee meetings can participate as observers, inter alia: SCO representatives (Swiss side), National Coordinating Body (Ministry of Regional Development) and Intermediary Institution (Office for Foreign Aid Programs in Health Care).
6. In meetings can also participate people invited by Chairman or Deputy Chairman of Steering Committee, people on request of Minister of Health or NIPH-NIH Director, and science institutions and institutions implementing or entities cooperating in implementation of the Program representatives.
7. People, referred to in para. 1 point 5 and para. 5 and 6 do not participate in the vote.
8. Membership in the Committee expires:
1) When a member of the Committee losses his function, which membership is related to.
2) On the request of the entity, that assigned the member.
3) On the expiry of the period for which the member was appointed.  
§ 4.
1. Chairman manages work of the Committee.
2. The Chairman of the Steering Committee shall appoint his deputy from among the members of the Steering Committee, referred to in § 3. 1, point 1-4.
3. In the case of Chairman absence, Duty Chairman chairs a meeting.
4. The sessions of the Steering Committee shall be convened by the Chairman of the Steering Committee, not rarer than once a quarter, defining the date, place, topics and agenda.
5. The Chairman of the Committee convenes the session of the Steering Committee on his own initiative or on the NIPH-NIH Director request or the person authorized be the Director, Managers of the particular projects and Manager of the Programme.
6. Committee shall act collectively and aspires to reach to consensus.
7. Committee decisions are made by simple majority vote.
8. Detailed procedure of the Committee is specified in Work Regulations of Steering Committee, which is an appendix to this Decree, adopted on its first meeting by a majority in the presence of at least half the members having the voting rights.
9. The minutes shall be prepared from the session of the Steering Committee, containing the adopted decisions and arrangements as well as reported separate standpoints and expertise developed by the external consultants.
10. The minutes from the session of the Steering Committee shall be signed by the Chairman of the Steering Committee, and in case of his absence, the Deputy Chairman of the Steering Committee.
11. An attendance list with the signatures of all the persons participating in the session of the Steering Committee should be attached to the minutes.
12. Organizational and office support of the Committee is assured by Support Team of „Prevention of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)” Programme appointed by Director of NIPH-NIH.
§ 5.
The Decree shall enter into force upon signature.
Appendix to Decree No. 22/12
of NIPH-NIH Director
from 2012-09-20
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