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Steering Committee

Work Regulations of Steering Committee for
„Prevention of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)” Programme

§ 1.
General provisions
1. Steering Committee for „Prevention of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)” Programme, hereinafter referred to as „Committee” works, based on Decree No 22/12 of NIPH-NIH Director from 2012-09-20 in the composition specified in para. 3 an decree.
2. In the case where a member of the Committee losses the opportunity to participate in Committee work, an authorized entity delegates another representative.
3. In the case of circumstances referred to in para. 2, change decree referred to in para. 1 does not require approval by the Swiss side (SCO).
§ 2.
Chairman of the Committee Tasks
1. Committee work is managed by the Committee Chairman, who:
1) sets date, place and agenda of Committee meetings, that is sent to Committee members and other people participating in the meeting, no later than 7 days before the meeting;
2) in special circumstances has right to add additional cases not included originally in agenda;
3) in special circumstances can convene a Committee meeting and send materials for consideration without terms stated in point 1;
4) on its own initiative or on Committee members request, invites for Committee meetings observers or people with advisory vote – independent experts, NGO representatives or science organisations and institutions implementing or cooperating in implementation of the „Prevention of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)” Programme representatives.;
5) signs of decisions and protocols from Committee meetings.
2. In the case of Steering Committee Chairman absence, the Deputy Chairman takes Chairman responsibilities.
§ 3.


Committee Meetings
1. The sessions of the Steering Committee shall be convened by the Chairman of the Steering Committee, not rarer than once a quarter, defining the date, place, topics and agenda.
2. The Chairman of the Committee convenes the session of the Steering Committee on his own initiative or on the NIPH-NIH Director request or the person authorized be the Director, Managers of the particular projects and Manager of the Programme.
3. Committee meetings are led by the Chairman and in the case of his absence – by Duty Chairman.
4. Every member of the Committee can submit additional case to the agenda, but at least three working days before planned meeting.
5. On the beginning of the meeting, the Committee confirms the agenda.
6. Cases, not listed in the agenda can be considered on the meeting with prior consent of the Chairman and Committee members confirmation. 
7. Committee meetings can be performed only when a quorum is ensured, i.e. in the presence of the Chairman or Deputy Chairman and at least half of the remaining Committee members having the voting rights.
8. With each Committee meeting the protocol shall be prepared and signed by the Chairman or Duty Chairman. The protocol will be sent to every member of the Committee within 7 days from the date of the meeting.
9. The protocol consists in particular of :
1) agenda,
2) names of people participating in the meeting,
3) written decisions of the Committee.
§ 4.
Steering Committee Tasks and creating decisions of the Committee
1. The Committee is responsible, in particular for:
1) Monitoring of activities implementation at the strategic level in meeting the objectives of the Programme;
2) Making recommendations, actions aimed at achieving the desired indicators/outcomes of the Programme, including the development of guidelines to the document „National Strategy of HCV Prevention and Control for the years 2015-2020”;
2. Committee shall act collectively and aspires to  reach consensus.
3. Committee decisions are made by simple majority vote, in the form of written decisions.
4. Creating decisions, the Committee may use independent experts opinions.
§ 5.
Steering Committee support
1. Organizational and office support of the Committee is assured by Support Team of „Prevention of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)” Programme.
2. Within organisational and office support, the Support Team is responsible for:
1) coordinate the preparations of Committee meetings and deliver materials and documents projects intended to be consider on the meeting;
2) prepare and keep records of documentation within Steering Committee work, especially written recommendations and protocols.
3) ensure proper preparation and efficient service of Committee meetings;
4) performs other tasks assigned by the Chairman of the Steering Committee or Program Manager.
§ 6.
Organizational costs
1. Committee members do not receive payment for participation in Committee work.
2. Costs of stay and travel costs of members of the Committee are covered by the Executing Agency – NIPH-NIH from the Programme.
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