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Health care

The health protection area is characterized by the programme approach (a programme consists of component projects linked by a common theme or shared objectives) with the following objectives:

  1. Objective No. 1: To promote healthy lifestyles and to prevent communicable diseases on national level and in geographical focus areas (voivodship: lubelskie, podkarpackie, świętokrzyskie, małopolskie)
  2. Objective No. 2: To strengthen primary health care and social services in the peripherial and disadvantageous region of the geographic focus areas in favouring a multi-sectoral programmatic approach (voivodship: lubelskie, podkarpackie, świętokrzyskie, małopolskie).

Total allocation for the focus area amounts up to CHF 38 979 938.
This focus area is characterized by the programme approach.

Support within the Objective No. 1 is aimed to cover communication actions, promotional campaigns, training and prevention actions within the following programmes:

  1. KIK/33 - Education, promotion and prevention as regards oral health care directed at pre-school children, their parents, carers and teachers - Executing Institution - Medical University in Poznań
  2. KIK/34 - Preventing overweight and obesity well as chronic diseases by education on nutrition and physical activity of the society - Executing Institution - Food and Nutrition Institute in Warsaw
  3. KIK/35 - Prevention of the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infections - Executing Institution - National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene – the leading institution, Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Medical University in Lublin
  4. KIK/68 - Prophylactic programme for the prevention of addiction to alcohol, tobacco and other psychoactive substances - Executing Institution - Chief Sanitary Inspectorate.

One of the areas of support under the SPCP is a thematic area “Health care”, including Objective No. 2 ”Strengthening primary health care and social services in peripheral and disadvantaged region of the geographical focus area” encompassing the following voivodeships: Lubelskie, Podkarpackie, Świętokrzyskie and Małopolskie.
Beneficiaries are nursing homes and childcare centres, including children's homes. Help is provided to these entities in several forms: from the modernization and expansion of social assistance infrastructure, organization and implementation of training for the staff employed in the above centres, to comprehensive training and consultancy services provided to a wide range of stakeholders. Pursuant to the assumptions of Objective No. 2, support in the framework of four programmes:

  1. KIK/55 Improving the quality of services provided in social welfare homes and care and education centres;
  2. KIK/56 Improvement in the infrastructure of nursing homes and/orspecial education centres and improving personnel qualifications, nurses included;
  3. KIK/57 Improvement of the quality of the services rendered in Social Welfare Organization Units (SWOUs) to strengthen the subjectivity and active life of the persons entrusted to care;
  4. KIK/58 A Helping Hand in a Safe Environment.
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