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Project „Prevention of HCV infections”

Project supported by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union

On 24 May 2012 within the frames of Swiss-Polish Cooperation Program (SPCP) has been signed the Agreement on realization Project No. KIK/35 „Prevention of HCV infections” between Office for Foreign Aid Programs in Health Care, acting as an Intermediate Body and National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene – Implementer of the program.
To realize the project National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene came into partnership with the following institutions:

  1. Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology In Warsaw,
  2. Medical University of Lublin,
  3. Chief Sanitary Inspectorate.

The Project will be realize from 2012 to 2016 and the estimated total eligible costs are 4.669.907 CHF, with:

  1. amount of 3.969.421 CHF, constituting 85% of total eligible costs will be a grant from the Swiss Side,
  2. amount of 700.486 CHF, constituting 15% of total eligible costs will be a national contribution.

Project „Prevention of HCV infections” is consistent with the assumptions of:

  1. „Strategy for Health Care Development in Poland for years 2007-2013”, accepted by the Cabinet on 21 June 2005 – the document associated with the realization of National Development Plan for 2007-2013.
  2. National Health Program for years 2007–2015, an in particular with strategic objectives: 7 – „Increasing the  effectiveness of prevention of infectious diseases and infections” and 8 – „Reducing social and territorial disparities in health status of population” and operational objectives: 5 -„Reducing usage of psychoactive substance and related health damage” and 15 - „Increasing and optimal usage of health system and local government infrastructure for health promotion and education”.

It is worth to mention the World Health Declaration, accepted in 1998 by Poland on World Health Assembly, which confirms that health is one of the fundamental rights of individual human. The Project „Prevention of HCV infections” responds to:

  1. assumptions of Health Strategy 21 – health for everyone in XXI century – determining the health policies of the World Health Organization in Europe,
  2. assumptions of EU Program in the field of public health (decision no. 1786/2002/WE),
  3. European Parliament and Council Decision no.1350/2007/WE from 23 October 2007 establishing a Second Community Health Programme for years 2008-2013.

On 19 May 2004, during EU-Swiss Summit, the Swiss Side declared willingness to establish a Swiss aid program. Negotiation in this area between European Commission and Switzerland Government, ended on 17 February 2006. The result of negotiations was signing, so-called  Memorandum of Understanding. Under the terms of Memorandum of Understanding, Poland - as one of ten countries – beneficiaries – has  accounted for 489 020 million CHF, which is 49% the total amount of aid. 

Negotiations of detailed conditions of financial aid, ended on 20 December 2007 by signing the Framework Agreement between Swiss Federal Council and Polish Government on implementation of Swiss-Polish Cooperation Program, that aims to reduce economic and social differences between Poland and other countries of the enlarged European Union. 


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